Bring Your Own Dinner in the Sukkah (RSVP required) – Second Night

September 21, 2021    
5:30 pm - 8:30 pm

Tuesday night, Or Zarua will provide challah, dessert and seltzer for registrants. Wine and other beverages will not be provided.

Reservations required: Email Deborah, and include the date, time, shift (when relevant), number of people and the names of attendees.

5:30 pm Bring Your Own Dinner in the Sukkah Shift 1

  • Registration required

6:45 pm Minhah/Ma’ariv Services

  • Non members must pre-register for in-person services by noon by clicking here.

7:30 pm Bring Your Own Dinner in the Sukkah Shift 2

  • Registration required