Marc Ashley’s Sukkot lecture in the OZ Sukkah

October 20, 2024    
10:00 am - 11:30 am

Do We Celebrate Sukkot at the Wrong Time of the Year?
Sunday, Oct. 20, NOTE NEW TIME — 11:00 am (following minyan at 8:45 am and breakfast)
Sukkot arrives promptly after the High Holy Days. But perhaps this is the wrong time of the year to celebrate the holiday. The Torah tells us that God made the Israelites dwell in “sukkot” in the wilderness following the miraculous exodus from Egypt. So why, then, don’t we celebrate Sukkot in the spring, in the immediate aftermath of Passover, rather than in the fall six months later? Is Sukkot’s annual slot in the Jewish calendar misplaced?
Please join Marc Ashley in our beautiful rooftop sukkah to explore this fundamental issue related to the calendrical timing of Sukkot, which will enrich your joyous observance of the holiday by illuminating its essential themes and purposes.