Sunday morning, Jan. 28
WINTER PACKAGE DELIVERY WITH DOROT, 10:00 am – 12:20 pm at Moise Safra Center, 130 E. 82nd St.
Register ASAP to secure a spot for DOROT
Family spots (kids ages 10-17) are limited. Adults are encouraged to sign up without kids, as well.
OR ZARUA HESED, 8:45 am – 10:00 am at OZ
8:45 am Minyan at Or Zarua
9:30 am Bagels and hesed for our family in Israel
10:00 am Head over to the Moise Safra Center if you’re signed up for the DOROT package delivery.
DOROT’s Winter Package Delivery brings hundreds of older adults and volunteers together to share warmth and companionship.
How it works:
1.Register at
2. Pick up a package and get matched with an older adult
3. Deliver the package to the home of an older adult
4. Connect for a visit or friendly phone call!
Email Sigal after registering to let her know you’ve signed up!