Zoom Torah Study
Judaism’s Life-Changing Ideas,
honoring the work of Rabbi Jonathan Sacks
Mondays, 12:00 pm, beginning Monday, October 16, 2023
This year we will be focusing on essays in Rabbi Sacks’s “Judaism’s Life Changing Ideas” volume that follows the weekly Torah portion.
Join the study and discussion!
Talmud Class 5784 (Library and Zoom)
Talmud Class – A New Direction
Talmudic Route 66: The Top Sixty-Six Sugiyot (Passages)Every Educated Jew Must Know
Wednesdays, 7:30 pm, beginning October 11, 2023
Click to join Talmud Class by Zoom
Join Rabbi Bolton starting in 5784 for an exciting journey into learning the sixty-six Talmudic passages that educated Jews must know, according to the Mandel Center at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. Whether you own the volume needed for a given class, or you look on using the digital Talmudic resources that I’ll share on screen, you can join the study.
Along the way there are always expansive discussions about familiar and not so familiar Jewish customs and culture, and anyone with any background adds to our class. Class meets 7:30 – 9pm most Wednesdays. Check the calendar and eblasts for exact schedule.
Click on date to view recordings of prior classes
Oct. 11, 2023 – Avodah Zarah pp 2-3
Oct. 18, 2023 – Avodah Zarah pp 2-3
Nov. 8, 2023 – Avodah Zarah pp 2-3
Nov. 15, 2023 – Avodah Zarah pp 2-3
Siddur Class 5784 (in person)
An Exploration of Abraham Joshua Heschel’s “The Sabbath”
“Oh, Lord, Hear Our Sabbath Prayers”
Thursdays, 8:40 am, beginning October 12, 2023
We will venture into our Sabbath prayers and focus on the themes and liturgy of the three main services of Shabbat. We will start with an overall survey of the importance of Shabbat in Jewish life.
Then we get granular about the prayer book and go slowly through vocabulary, to gain access to the Hebrew of our prayers. We’ll discuss why we repeat some paragraphs in each Shabbat Amidah
and say others only once.