While many synagogues have professional Torah readers, or ba’alei korei, and cantors, or ba’alei t’filah, OZ’s services are led by congregants, visitors and Rabbi Bolton. Our Gabbai, Charlie Spielholz, assigns members and guests parts of the service to lead, and aliyot from the weekly parashah (portion) to chant during the Torah service on Shabbat morning.
Our readers and leaders come from many different Jewish educational backgrounds. Some learned to read Torah or lead davening at Jewish day schools or when preparing to celebrate their Bar or Bat Mitzvah. Others have learned as adults, in Or Zarua classes or with tutors and tapes.
We’re always seeking new leaders, Torah and haftarah readers. If you’re interested in learning to lead services or read Torah or haftarah, contact Rabbi Bolton.
“When we moved to Manhattan, the serendipitous discovery of Or Zarua changed our lives in many important ways. Not least among these was experiencing the joy of Shabbat services in which we could participate as part of a community where congregants are active in all aspects of the service.”
-Herb Shapiro in “Rediscovering the Joys of Torah Reading”
If you’d like to lead services or read Torah during services, please email Charlie Spielholz.