All Tisha B’Av Services are in person with registration required. Due to limited seating, in-person services are limited to Or Zarua members and their guests. Click to register to attend.
Erev Tisha B’Av, Saturday, July 17, 2021
8:24 pm Fast begins
8:30 pm Service with reading of Eikah
9:08 pm Shabbat ends
Tisha B’Av Day, Sunday, July 18, 2021
8:45 am Shaharit with Kinnot (no tallit or tefillin)
7:30 pm Minhah/Ma’ariv (tallit and tefillin word during Minhah)
Between Minhah and Ma’ariv, “Is Fasting Praying in Jewish Tradition?” a shiur with Rabbi Bolton
8:58 pm Fast ends
Remember t0 register using this link: Click to register to attend.