Kiddush in the Round with Guest Speaker, Jewish Cartoonist, Gorf

November 11, 2023    
11:00 am - 12:30 pm

Hear from Jewish Comic Book artist, Jordan Gorfinkel.
Gorf will speak from the bimah during services on Parshat Haye Sarah And The Secret Origin of the Jewish Superhero and over kiddush lunch on Kiddush n’ Kibbitz: Esther, the O.G. [that’s “the original”] Wonder Woman!

Thank you to Dana Gross and Jeff Gandel for sponsoring the program in memory of their son, our beloved student and friend, Harry Gandel, z’l.

While RSVPs are not required for services and there is no charge for lunch, we ask that all those planning to stay for Kiddush RSVP at so we can be sure to have enough space and food for all attending.