Or Zarua Community Torah Study

December 28, 2020    
12:00 pm - 1:00 pm

Mondays at 12 pm

Weekly, unless noted on the calendar, starting on Monday, October 12th.

Until we are all back in the sanctuary in person, community Torah study has moved to Monday!

We pride ourselves as a congregation on having weekly, interactive Torah study. Join with other congregants and Rabbi Bolton as he leads learning and our discussion of the weekly parsha. The classic commentary of Rashi is thought of as foundational and central to understanding Torah’s words and narratives. Additionally, Rabbi Bolton will show how some of Rashi’s comments speak to psychological or existential issues that Jews of medieval France faded and modern NYC folks still contend with. The ZOOM LINK for Monday NOON Community Torah Study

Join Zoom Meeting


Meeting ID: 815 2249 6147

Passcode: 613