OZ Purim Schedule
Purim Night Saturday, March 23, 8:00 pm
Ma’ariv and Megillah Reading: 8:00 pm
Shushan Soiree follows Megillah Reading, with lite fare and drinks.
Purim Day Sunday, March 24, 9:00 pm
Services: 8:45 am. Megillah Reading to begin at approximately 10:00 am.
OZ Purim Spiel follows Megillah Reading, approximately 11:30 am. “Who Will Buy My Hamantaschen” aka “Don’t Cry for Me Achashverosh.” Libretto by Judy Buchman-Ziv et al.
Purim Sing-Along with Tkiya, 11:30 am for families with children age 0-5. Join the rest of the community for the Se’udah, followed by games and more for kids!
Purim Se’udah (lunch) follows the Purim Spiel, approximately 12:30 pm – Deli, Knishes, and More!
Let us know you’re coming by clicking HERE so we can order enough food.
Livestreaming: For those who cannot join us in person, we will be livestreaming Saturday night’s Megillah reading, along with the Sunday morning Megillah reading and the Purim Spiel. Click on the links below to join the livestream:
Saturday night Zoom Link. https://us02web.zoom.us/j/88122664273?pwd=cFdWMTFzdXREZDhuaHFGNkM3aUtOUT09
Sunday morning Zoom Link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/88940321481?pwd=YzZ0T3Y1TExFOXYreVgvOCtmK0xQZz09