Shaharit and Megillah Reading

March 17, 2022    
7:15 am - 9:00 am

Join us in person for morning Minyan and Megillah reading!

Celebrate with Mishloach Manot from OZ!
Click HERE to sign up for Mishloach Manot!

OZ Members can pick up Mishloach Manot on Wednesday (3/16), following Ma’ariv, Megillah Reading and the Spiel
on Thursday (3/17), 8:00-10:00 am or 3:00-4:00 pm.


Covid Protocols

Wearing of masks in the building is optional.
Everyone is free to choose to wear or not to wear a mask.
For entry into the Or Zarua building, click HERE for requirements that must be met and submitted in advance of the event.