Purim Spiel

March 24, 2024    
11:00 am - 12:30 pm

The OZ Purimspiel (approximately 11:30 am) is titled “Who Will Buy My Hamantaschen” aka “Don’t Cry for Me Achashverosh.” Libretto by Judy Buchman-Ziv et al. It will follow the Megillah Reading.

Purim Se’udah (lunch) follows the Purim Spiel, approximately 12:30 pm – Deli, Knishes, and More!

Let us know you’re coming by clicking HERE so we can order enough food!


OZ Purim Schedule

Purim Night Saturday, March 23, 8:00 pm
Ma’ariv and Megillah Reading: 8:00 pm
Shushan Soiree follows Megillah Reading, with lite fare and drinks.

Purim Day Sunday, March 24, 9:00 pm
Services: 8:45 am. Megillah Reading to begin at approximately 10:00 am.
OZ Purim Spiel follows Megillah Reading, approximately 11:30 am. “Who Will Buy My Hamantaschen” aka “Don’t Cry for Me Achashverosh.” Libretto by Judy Buchman-Ziv et al.
Purim Sing-Along with Tkiya, 11:30 am for families with children age 0-5. Join the rest of the community for the Se’udah, followed by games and more for kids!
Purim Se’udah (lunch) follows the Purim Spiel, approximately 12:30 pm – Deli, Knishes, and More!
Let us know you’re coming by clicking HERE so we can order enough food.

Livestreaming: For those who cannot join us in person, we will be livestreaming the Sunday morning Megillah reading and the Purim Spiel.

Sunday morning Zoom link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/88940321481?pwd=YzZ0T3Y1TExFOXYreVgvOCtmK0xQZz09