Siddur Class with Rabbi Bolton (Zoom)

June 4, 2020    
8:40 am - 10:00 am

When Prayer and Remembering Meet: Yizkor, Funeral Rites, Daily Psalms and Reminders.

This class taking place through Zoom. Please use this link:


Join the Siddur class to discuss the content and possibilities of prayer. We study the liturgy and exchange ideas about the minyan experience.

(fuller description) Join the Siddur Class in 5780 for explorations of the themes and language of our Yizkor prayers, as well as funeral liturgies. In general the class explores the history, forms, content and meaning of Jewish liturgy and prayer rites, and members of the learning community deliberate about the prayer experience (t’fillah) and encounters with the Jewish liturgy. Translating the language of the prayerbook helps gain access to the poetry and Biblical passages that are included in service of t’fillah. After an exploration of Yizkor and funeral liturgies (psalms and memorial prayers), the Psalms of the Day will be studied. Beyond being reminders about what day of the week is ahead of us each day they help us recall and focus upon important themes for our lives and our world. Finally, the class will turn to passages that remind us about key lists in our tradition. Among those lists included in certain siddurim are: the Rambam’s 13 Principles, the Ten Commandments and a list of ten special moments in Jewish history. Why those? What challenges do they offer at the end of a prayer service? Opportunities? What makes this class so dynamic is a combination of the study of our prayers and the engaging, open conversation among participants. There is a dynamic culture of learning to be part of on Thursday mornings, so plan to join in after the High Holidays and Sukkot. Put it on your calendar; make time for Jewish learning in the year ahead.