The Book of Job in the Age of Coronavirus with Francine Klagsbrun

September 24, 2020    
7:00 pm - 8:00 pm

“The Book of Job in the Age ofCoronavrus.”

7 pm, Thursday between Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur

This year, Francine Klagsbrun’s Yom Kippur afternoon talk will be held the THURSDAY EVENING between Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur at 7 pm. Join us in what makes an Or Zarua High Holy Days experience complete! As with every High Holy Days, Francine’s address and exploration will help us make meaning of the most important texts of the Jewish tradition. Given this unprecedented time, we need new reads on classic sources. The Book of Job is no different. Francine will explore the profound  messages from Sefer Iyov (Job) that apply during the Pandemic as we welcome the new year of 5781. The Book of Job raises profound questions about suffering and guilt. How do those themes relate to our world today? Are there any satisfying answers? We are blessed each year at Or Zarua with Francine’s sharing personal reflections with intellectual acuity and her heartfelt love of Jewish sources. See you Thursday evening between Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur at Francine’s talk.

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