Sunday evening, Sept. 6, at 7:00 pm, you are invited to join Rabbi Bolton for a special Zoom-Streamed Webinar a week before Selihot and two weeks before Rosh HaShanah: Wired for Inspiration: Three Days of High Holy Days at Or Zarua 5781. Rabbi Bolton will discuss sacred experiences in virtual space, as well as the halakhic considerations involved in allowing for ZOOM minyans. He will address the question of why we are we breaking Jewish law for three days of Zoom Streaming on the High Holy Days. Achieving kavannah, inspiration and intention, through an electronic interface is not always easy, and suggestions for creating prayer-space at home will be discussed.
Wired for Inspiration: Three Days of High Holy Days at OZ
Sep 6, 2020 07:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
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