Shabbat Message, Oct. 30, 2020, Parashat Lekh-Lekha
HERE (video) for: What Does the Famous Verse “Lekh Lekha” (Genesis 12:1) Really Mean?
HERE (video) for: Putting Sodom & Gemorah In Context with Rashi’s Commentary. We learn about the people of those cities and about the King of Sodom in chapters 13 & 14 of Genesis, before the famous episode about the twin cities in chapter 18.
HERE (video) for: After These Events What Does God Have In Store? A study of Genesis 15:1. Rashi’s commentary helps us understand the narrative more and invites us to refine our own relationships with God.
HERE for a Sefaria Source Sheet on Lekh Lekha with texts and art: “Go Forth, Get Blessed, Make Souls and Fight the Good Fight!”
HERE to read my entry in Not a Penny for Evil in the Los Angeles Jewish Journal’s Table for Five, a Torah commentary column I regularly write for that also appears on The Accidental Talmudist platform.