Or Zarua joins at the UN Rally in Support of Israel

by Laura Fisher

A strong contingent of Or Zarua members, led by Rabbi Bolton, attended the rally on October 10 in support of Israel.  UJA-Federation of New York, the Jewish Community Relations Council of New York, ADL-NY, AJC-NY, the American Zionist Movement, the Association of Reform Zionists of America and Council of Jewish Émigré Community Organizations sponsored the “New York Stands with Israel” vigil and rally at Damrosch Plaza in front of the United Nations. Speakers included Gilad Erdan (Israel’s Ambassador to the UN), Governor Hochul, Mayor Eric Adams, Israel’s Acting Consul General to New York (Tsach Saar) and friends and family of Israelis and Americans taken hostage by Hamas.

UJA reports that 25,000 Americans and Israelis came to show their solidarity with Israel and their love of our Jewish homeland and to condemn Hamas’ savage and horrific terror attacks on Israel. Religious and secular Jews, Jewish day school and yeshiva students and people of all ages were present. We were told of Israel’s resilience and heroism, of Israel’s right and obligation to defend her citizens and of the need for American Jewry to tell the world that evil must be denounced.  Speakers reminded us that New York has the largest Jewish population outside of Israel – that we are one family and will always stand side by side with Israel. In Mayor Adams words: “Your fight is our fight,” “Every person responsible for these acts (must be) held accountable” and “Hamas must be disbanded and destroyed immediately.” The crowd overflowed into nearby streets and was surround by a sea of blue and white Israeli flags and banners.

There will be more rallies in support of Israel in the coming weeks and we encourage all OZ members to participate and to bring their friends and family. We will also keep you informed of other opportunities to help Israel.

The speeches can be found at this link:


A message from a combat soldier in Israel
