Passover 2024

First Night Seder
Monday, April 22, 7:15 pm, OZ Social Hall
Reserve your spot HERE by April 17
On the first night of Passover we will gather for our OZ Community Seder. Get ready to raise our Israel spirit. We’ll set the table and raise our four cups to celebrate and connect with all Am Yisrael. Rabbis Scott and Amy Bolton will lead us through ritual, song, and lively conversation at our tables as we make our way through the Haggadah.
Members & their guests: $85; Non-members: $125; Children 5-8 YO: $55
Vegetarian options and gluten-free matzah will be available

Sell Your Hametz
Rabbi Bolton will arrange the transaction
The form must be received by the office before 10:00 am Monday, April 22
Click to submit form
Before Passover, we are required to “sell” any hametz in our possession to a non-Jew. The transaction is arranged by the rabbi, to ensure compliance with the requirements of halakhah. The completed form, below, must arrive at the synagogue office no later than 10:00 am on Monday, April 22, or email a scan of the signed form to by the deadline. Please be sure to sign the form. It is customary to enclose a contribution to Or Zarua’s Ma’ot Hittim Fund with your authorization.

Celebrate Pesah with Or Zarua
Pesah begins Monday night, April 22
Click HERE for a downloadable flyer of all our Pesah services and programs.

Shaharit with Siyyum for Ta’anit Behorot
Monday, April 22, 7:15 am

Community First Night Seder
Monday, April 22, 7:15 pm
Register by April 17 by clicking HERE.

Festival Shaharit with Hallel, Kiddush to follow
Tuesday & Wednesday, April 23 & 24, 9:00 am

Hol HaMoed Shaharit with Hallel, Breakfast to follow
Thursday & Friday, April 25 – 26, 7:15 am

Minhah & Ma’ariv, Oneg to follow
Friday, April 26, 6:15 pm

Shabbat Pesah Service, with Hallel & Shir HaShirim
Kiddush and Chaburah with Rabbi Bolton to follow
Saturday, April 27, 8:45 am

Torah Tots & Torah Kids
Saturday, April 27, 11:00 am

Hol HaMoed Shaharit with Hallel, Breakfast to follow
Sunday, April 28, 8:45 am

Marc Ashley Adult Ed. Class, first session
Sunday, April 28, 10:00 am (Zoom). Also May 5 & 19.
Click HERE to Zoom in.

Festival Shaharit with Hallel, Kiddush to follow
Monday, April 29, 9:00 am

Festival Shaharit with YIZKOR & Hallel, Kiddush to follow
Tuesday, April 30, 9:00 am