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“For America’s Jews, Every Day Must Be Oct. 8,” by Bret Stephens. Click HERE to read.
“J’Accuse – An Open Letter to Hamas Apologists,” by Daniel Wolf. Click HERE to read.
Your donations are needed for the Israel Emergency Fund. Help us increase Or Zarua’s support for the life saving and essential work in Israel.
Click to donate to the Israel Emergency Fund.
Be in touch with Rabbi Bolton for any spiritual needs or for an Israel-connected conversation. Now is the time to connect and strengthen each other.
See below for videos of Rabbi Bolton reciting the Prayer for the State of Israel, Mi She’Beirakh L’Hayalei Tzahal, Mi She’Beirakh for the Return of the Captives, and Psalms 129 & 142.
Read about the rally in a piece by our Kesher Israel co-chair, Laura Fisher.
Recite them along with Rabbi Bolton, or just listen and say “Amen” at the end. Our hearts and prayers are with Israel.
Prayer for the State of Israel
The Prayer for the State of Israel asks that leaders be blessed with wisdom and those who defend Israel hands and hearts be strengthened.
Mi She’Beirakh L’Hayalei Tzahal
A blessing for all those who defend the Land of Israel and to thwart evil.
Mi She’Beirakh for the Return of the Captives
We demand their immediate release.
Psalm 129
and Psalm 142
Psalm 129 for the whole House of Israel to deliver us from this bloody war
and Psalm 142 for the immediate release of our beloved, the hostages in Gaza.
A note from Rabbi Bolton:
I am calling the attack on our family in Israel The Simhat Torah Massacre. We are now at war. The death toll is grim. The number of injured who need our prayers and medical attention sickens the heart. We are praying for the safe return of hostages.
We must be resolved to stand strong, unite with our People and support the State of Israel the ways we can from our shores.
Our family has been attacked. Our mishpakha is in mourning. Fifty years after the Yom Kippur War we have just experienced murderous violence.
We mourn with those burying their loved ones, victims of brutal attacks. Our morning minyan services (7:15am) at Or Zarua will include prayers for Israel and the IDF. We will pray for an end to bloodshed and for terrorists to be brought to justice. We will sit in vigil for the safe return of hostages who were kidnapped – Israelis, Americans, and other internationals among them.
In the name of the Five Books of Moses, the Torah of Life that we love and teach, to counter the culture of death to Jews that these terrorists teach, let’s commit to five ways to respond together:
Terrorists shattered our sukkah of peace and bloodied our Torah. May justice and ultimately peace prevail.
With a heavy, yet determined heart…
Am Yisrael Chai
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