Click to Sell Hametz. The form must be completed and submitted by noon on Thursday, April 14.
Thursday, April 14
Hametz Sale Authorization Day deadline Noon
After 8:16 pm Bedikat Hametz (Search for Hametz)
Friday, April 15, Ta’anit Behorot, Erev Pesah
7:15 am Shaharit and Siyum immediately Following Shaharit
Rabbi Bolton will lead a siyum on Friday morning, April 15, after the completion of the Shaharit service (which begins at 7:15 am). Everyone who attends the siyum will join in a festive meal. All are invited to attend the siyum.
prior to 11:35 am Bittul Hametz (nullification)
6:30 pm Kabbalat Shabbat & Congregational Seder (by prior reservation)
7:17 pm Candlelighting
First Seder
Saturday, April 16, First Day of Pesah
9:00 am Shaharit
Light candles after 8:14 pm
Second Seder
Sunday, April 17, Second Day of Pesah
9:00 am Shaharit
8:15 pm Yom Tov ends
Monday, April 18, Hol Hamoed
7:15 am Shaharit
Tuesday, April 19, Hol Hamoed
7:15 am Shaharit ZOOM
Wednesday, April 20, Hol Hamoed
7:15 am Shaharit
Thursday, April 21, Hol Hamoed
7:15 am Shaharit
Erev Seventh Day Pesah
7:23 pm Candlelighting
Friday, April 22, Seventh Day of Pesah
9:00 am Shaharit (note change from previously published time)
6:15 pm Minhah/Kabbalat Shabbat
7:24 pm Candlelighting
Saturday, April 23, Eighth Day of Pesah
9:00 am Shaharit (Yizkor)
6:45 pm Minhah/Ma’ariv and Annual Shiur with Rabbi Bolton
8:22 pm Shabbat & Pesah end
The Holiest Package: Wrapping, Rolling, Encasing, and Enrobing the Torah
Seudah Shlishit Shiur in Memory of Stewart Bolton, z”l
Saturday, April 23, 6:45 pm, led by Rabbi Bolton
First we had to find right box for the tablets of the law as well as the broken pieces. Then the Talmud explains that Moses produced the first scroll of the Torah while in the wilderness. Are there notes about rolling or wrapping it?
Ashkenazi and Sephardic housing for our sacred scrolls developed differently and not every ark we open is built the same way. Looking through the lens of packaging engineering, material history and design theory, we will explore how the Jewish People have contained, encased, and enrobed our holiest possession.
Rabbi Bolton’s shiur is dedicated to the memory of his father, Stewart L. Bolton, z”l, former pharmaceutical and food packaging specialist.
Covid Protocols: Masks are optional
Vaccination and Testing Requirements:
MEMBERS. For entry into the Or Zarua building, click HERE for requirements that must be met and submitted in advance of the event.
Non-members: We are happy to welcome you to our services if you are vaccinated. Please register online