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Join us up on the roof and in the sanctuary for prayer and communal gathering on every day of Sukkot!
10:00 am Sukkah Decorating and Donuts
6:45 pm Festival Ma’ariv Services NOTE NEW TIME
7:30 pm Sukkot Dinner (for those who pre-registered; Served family-style)
9:00 am Shaharit with Lulav & Etrog, Kiddush in the sukkah to follow.
The Sukkah will be open for games and gathering until 4:00 pm, to allow for dinner setup.
Feel free to stay and help!
6:45 pm Festival Ma’ariv Services
7:30 pm Sukkot Dinner (for those who pre-registered; buffet)
9:00 am Shaharit with Lulav & Etrog, Kiddush in the sukkah to follow.
The Sukkah will be open for games and gathering until 9:00 pm.
7:15 am Shaharit with Lulav & Etrog, Breakfast in the Sukkah to follow
5:30 pm Or L’Atid Pizza in the Hut (RSVP to Sigal), for all families. Look out for more information via email!
7:00 pm Middle School/High School Class with Rabbi Bolton, First session
7:15 am Shaharit with Lulav & Etrog, Breakfast in the Sukkah to follow
6:30 pm YP Sushi in the Sukkah
Registration on ShulCloud is required by Wednesday, Oct. 12 at noon. Visit Or Zarua Young Professionals on Facebook for signup link.
7:15 am Shaharit with Lulav & Etrog, Breakfast in the Sukkah to follow
5:15 pm Sukkot & Me (Early Childhood program) RSVP to Sigal.
5:45 pm Zoom into Shabbat
5:59 pm Minhah/Ma’ariv
6:30 pm Bring Your Own Dinner in the Sukkah
Or Zarua will provide hallah, dessert and seltzer for registrants. Wine and other beverages will not be provided.
8:45 am Shaharit (No Lulav & Etrog)
11:00 am Torah Tots and Torah Kids
12:00 pm Kiddush in the Round, in the Sukkah!
The Sukkah will be open for games and gathering until 5:00 pm, to allow for program setup.
Feel free to stay and help!
7:00 pm Parents’ Night Out in the Sukkah and Kids’ PJ Party (RSVP to Sigal)
8:45 am Shaharit with Lulav & Etrog and Hakafot, Breakfast in the Sukkah to follow
9:00 am Kids’ PJ Breakfast in the Sukkah (RSVP to Sigal)
9:00 am Shaharit (No Lulav & Etrog)/Yizkor, Services will be followed by kiddush in the sukkah.
5:00 pm Ice Cream at Sinai (RSVP to Sigal)
5:00 pm Middle School/High School Simhat Torah Dinner (RSVP to Sigal)
6:00 pm Minhah/Ma’ariv and Hakafot for Simhat Torah
9:00 am Shaharit, Services will be followed by MEAT kiddush.
The Or Zarua Sukkah will be open on all days of Sukkot (Oct. 10 – Oct. 16) for people to come eat and spend time in the sukkah. The Sukkah will be open to all members from the conclusion of morning minyan through 9:00 pm on the above days, except when there are scheduled programs or events. No food or drink will be provided during these times unless otherwise indicated. Feel free to bring your own kosher food. In advance of programs, please leave the sukkah at the noted time so that staff is able to set up for the program.
Reservations are required – Email Deborah, and include the number of people and the names of attendees.
For help with registration, contact Deborah by email at or by phone at 212-452-2310 x12.
Members do not need to register in advance for services. Non-members, sign up HERE.
SIGN UP NOW and Stay in touch with Congregation Or Zarua!