OZ Summer Learning
Wednesdays at 7:00 pm, June 29, July 6 & 13, 2022 (hybrid)
Click for video of June 29 session
Click for video of July 6 session
Click for video of July 13 session
Judaism guides our everyday lives and informs our approaches to the most difficult decisions we are required to make. Join Rabbi Bolton for an exploration of sources from the Torah, Talmud and Halakhah throughout Jewish history that address the ancient — yet very contemporary –issues of abortion and privacy. While halakhic decisions consider individual circumstances, we will ask about whether major trends and approaches can be defined. We avoid the question “what does Judaism say about…?” unless we mean by that an investigation into the variety of sources and responsa that have been written over the ages about any given topic. Come willing to learn about the variety of approaches and perspectives regarding abortion in Jewish law, and let’s explore the notion of privacy as Jewish legal texts have approached it.