Or Zarua is pleased to continue to sponsor ScholarStream, an adult education initiative
ScholarStream is a program that four institutions of the Conservative/Masorti Movement — the Rabbinical Assembly, USCJ, The Jewish Theological Seminary, and the Ziegler School of Rabbinic Studies — have created as a joint initiative to offer high quality adult education opportunities to all those interested in participating.
Starting April 6, 2021, you can learn from some of the world’s leading scholars and engage deeply with our texts and traditions. Scroll to bottom for registration links.
Two Program Tracks:
The Schechter Institutes – From Sorrow to Joy: The Spring Holidays
Tuesdays at 1:00 pm ET
- April 6: Yom Hashoah “Memory and Commemoration in the Development of Yad Vashem”
Prof. Doron Bar, President, The Schechter Institute of Jewish Studies
- April 13: Israel’s Memorial Day and Independence Day “From Sorrow to Joy: the transition from Yom Hazikaron to Yom Haatzmaut”
Rabbi Dr. Reb Mimi Feigelson, Mashpiah Ruhanit and Senior Lecturer, Schechter Rabbinical Seminary
- April 27: Lag Ba’omer “Why Do We Celebrate Lag Ba’omer and How?”
Rabbi Prof. David Golinkin, President, The Schechter Institutes, Inc.
- May 4: Yom Yerushalayim “Jerusalem Built Up – A City Knit Together” (Psalm 122:3): How does Jerusalem unite the Jewish people?
Rabbi Chaya Rowen Baker, Lecturer, Schechter Rabbinical Seminary
Collaborative Series:
Wednesday evenings, 8:00 pm ET
April 21, 28, May 5, 12
- What should Zionism look like in an era of a confident and strong Jewish state? Can the various flavors of Judaism’s enduring focus on the Land of Israel translate into a new Zionist ethos? Join JTS, the RA, the Schechter Institutes and Ziegler for a collaborative ScholarStream series, in which teachers representing each institution will explore these and other questions—re-examining some of Zionism’s key ideas, moments, and challenges, from its earliest origins and into the 21st century. Classes and speaker information coming soon.
If these times do not work for you, these sessions will be recorded.
There is no fee for OZ members, but you must register in advance. Registration for each session will close at 11 AM ET on the morning of that session.
MEMBERS: Register at the links below and use the code; email Deborah at dwenger@orzarua.org for the code.
NON-MEMBERS: Register at the links below; cost is $25 per series.
Click here to register for the Tuesday program.
Click here to register for the Wednesday program.
Registrants will receive the Zoom link to join the sessions in the confirmation email after they register. The deadline to register for a given session is 11 AM ET on the morning of the session
If you have any questions about ScholarStream or registration, please email Max Arad at marad@rabbinicalassembly.org |