“Torah and Truth: Navigating the Tension”
in honor of congregant Marc Ashley
with Prof. Marc Shapiro
May 3 & 4 (Friday night through Shabbat afternoon)
We will have the opportunity to learn with Prof. Shapiro after a Friday night dinner, during services on Shabbat morning, after Kiddush and between Minhah and Ma’ariv (see schedule below).
We are honoring our dear friend, Marc Ashley, for his diverse contributions to our congregation. Please join OZ’s first full Shabbaton in several years as we welcome Prof. Marc Shapiro, one of the world’s leading Jewish Studies scholars, for a series of four fascinating and cutting-edge lectures, on the theme of “Torah and Truth: Navigating the Tension.”
Prof. Shapiro, an exceptionally knowledgeable and versatile scholar of classical Judaism, will insightfully probe issues regarding the sometimes fraught relationship between Jewish tradition and various aspects of truth and truthfulness, including in a dialogue with Marc during Shabbat lunch about the study of Torah.
Schedule of Events
All meals require RSVPs. Register by clicking HERE.
Shabbat Dinner: Friday, May 3
Services at 6:30 pm, Dinner to follow.
“Sense and Censorship: is Historical Truth a Jewish Value?”
Shabbat Morning Sermon: Saturday, May 4, approx. 11 am
“Did the Sages Always Tell the Truth (and Should We)?”
Shabbat Lunch: Saturday, May 4
In Dialogue with Marc Ashley: “Truth and the Study of Torah”
Se’udah Sh’lishit: Saturday, May 4
Minhah at 6:30 pm, followed by lite dinner and talk, Ma’ariv to follow.
“Revolutionary Ideas in the Thought of Rav Kook”